
I am hating this. I am not in anyway approving of my life choices and am very something (I do know the word for it, honest, but it is now 6 something in the morning and I have to be up in no time at all to go to a Flower Show. Oh yes, a Flower Show… it’s a ‘cheer up’ trip from my Mum. Bless. I hope there’s a geeky bit somewhere.)

Life could suck more but not really. Still without job, still feeling like rubbish, still having less money than (what feels like) everyone and still waiting for that suitcase full of cash I ordered seven thousand years ago.

BUT, having a purpose at the moment. I finished putting my ‘other’ site together. Out Of My Tree. It’s beautiful and stuff… then my brother saw it and told me he liked the design for his site… So the ‘Sister’ bit of me won and he gets the design… If he doesn’t actually use his site I may become a little un-sisterly…

So, purpose number one is the redesign of ‘Camel and ‘Tree… which may happen in the next 24 hours or will happen the next time I get to Mum’s (where I can upload things unlike at the library) – I took the questions to be answered videopost off my hard drive and have been carrying it round on a disk so I could bang it online when I tottered round to a friend’s house… where I left it.

It may be quicker just to redo it.

What else? What else? Erm… I am heartily sick of the crappy weather here in the UK – rain rain and more sodding rain. I’ll swap for your heatwave, SJ, with gladness in my heart!

On the weather front can I ask a huge favour of everyone – please can you cash in some good karma with whatever higher power you believe in for sme nice weather on the 9th September? The (purpose number 2) Scout Group is having a Reopening Fun Day that afternoon and the BBQ and stalls will be under canvas if the weather isn’t good which means we’ll probably end up killing someone. I’m not asking for a lot – a touch of blue sky and no water falling would be perfect!

I have been doing posters and invites and badges and flyers and mug designs at a mile a minute for the event which had better be a success! (Please please please…). This one is less about earning money and more about showing off.

Ooo, I know what else! I have been watching Studio 60 and loving every last minute of it. I know it’s been cancelled – I kind of expected nothing less… It’s almost too good…

Right I’m going to update WordPress now and then try and upload the new designs… Fingers crossed!

[tags] life, pre-Flower Show, Studio 60,[/tags]

~ by Bec on August 19, 2007.

6 Responses to “Sporadic”

  1. Ooohhh… looking forward to the redesign.

  2. Can you all wish for sunny weather on the 9th AND the 4th, as it’s my birthday. Ta muchly.

    Hope the money crap general pants situation improves 🙂

  3. flowers, sunshine, money, all being invited your way!

  4. Looks like you need some poetry from Scott Emmons:

    Bartleby Yost was a mischievous ghost
    With long and luxuriant hair.
    He thought it great fun to appear on a bun
    Or a pancake or overripe pear.
    With his thin silhouette he’d adorn a baguette
    Or the casings of various cheeses.
    And he’d laugh till he’d choke at his side-splitting joke,
    For everyone thought he was Jesus.

  5. Looks as though you’ve disappeared into the cyberverse. Need an update here or a link to your other site.

    Also, the blue links are hard to read agains the brown background.

  6. Am still alive just – will be back at some point. I swear.

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